
Dates: 12-18 October 2016 (five and a half days)
Location: Bangkok Christian Guest House, Bangkok
Registration fee: US $500
Maximum participants: 20
Notes: Participants must make their own accommodation arrangements. Rooms are available at the venue for about US$35 per night for a single room, and US$26 per night per person when in twin sharing. Email the venue directly to book a room, quoting 'LEAD Asia Training Event', at:

Information about the location of the venue, including travel advice from Suvarnabhumi Airport, is available here.


Workshop Aims

This workshop will help you gain knowledge, skills and attitudes which you can use to help stakeholders of all types to think and talk together about any issue related to MLE: from teacher selection to orthography development, from advocacy needs to materials development, from community mobilization to documentation.  We expect a wide variety of participants in this workshop including government officials, teacher trainers, researchers, and NGO workers: both managers and program implementers. 

During the event participants will:

  • Grow in their understanding of what participatory methods are and why they are useful in MLE
  • Practice some basic facilitation skills: listening well, drawing out people’s thoughts, beginning to interact with a group for the first time, etc.
  • Observe some participatory tools being used
  • Practice facilitating participatory discussions
  • Receive feedback after facilitating participatory discussions
  • Provide others with feedback as they facilitate discussions
  • Assess which tools work best in which situations
  • Adapt tools to fit specific contexts
  • Develop plans for using these methods in MLE work in your context

You will learn to affirm the knowledge and abilities of language community members and other stakeholders resulting in increased ownership of aspects of the MLE program. The methods which will be taught are being used by throughout the world by people who work with indigenous language communities. The methods are also useful for discussions within any team, with a group of partners or with members of an organization. 

During the workshop you will facilitate two 3-hour discussions with groups of people in Bangkok. We try to schedule these during the workshop hours, but one of your discussions may occur in the evening or over the weekend. Please keep your schedule as open as possible in the evenings and over the weekend from 14 through 17 October.



Click here to complete the online registration form. Please note we encourage you to register with at least one other person from your organization. Then please use the link below to complete payment online and confirm your registration.

Registration Type

Further Information

To read more about the event, download and print a PDF brochure.

The event will immediately precede the 5th International Conference on Language and Development. More information about this event is available here.